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The Boundaries of Essentialism

We may hear religious people talk about how God is "testing" them when they have bad luck or reservations about life. But what I find more interesting is that if we assume that our minds are enclosed like a racquetball court, then the power of God becomes the fact that you can hit God at position 2 and receive a response at position 4. For humanity to be rational, it must be decidable. There must be a way in which the notion that if everyone tried to do the correct thing at every moment, we would meet democratically at the end.

It is like the asylum problem. If you believe that you are in an asylum and you are the only person that is sane, the only way for you to improve your position is to find someone you trust, exchange notes, and then decide that you are either both insane or both sane, because you can see no places where your beliefs and values clash. However, with God, he is the great randomizer of cause and effect. It allows us to believe that humans are irrational because God provides a cosmological means to humanity having a semi-open construction.

There is always a way out by considering the complement of the set that you are trying to make progress on.

On the other hand, existentialism provides no such boundary. If you send a thought in the future, it should come back with some notion of what is still to come.


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