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The Ascent of Icarus

Upon completion of final edits and submission of the Anomie manuscript to a local publisher for a once-over (on request), I will attempt to write a second book that I would like to eventually publish. I intend to call it The Ascent of Icarus: A Deductive Philosophy of the Future.

The idea is fairly simple. Take the approach of Ernst Bloch, the idea of a horizon in the future where the difficulties surrounding labour and inequality are solved. What are the characteristics of such a reality when considering the classic conflict genres of Man vs Man, Man versus Nature, and Man versus Himself? Then calculate backwards to the present, designing a strategic path through a succession of "Icarus points", i.e. a point in the future (it doesn't matter when) when a paradigm shift to a greater ideal of humanity in its relationship to itself, nature, and others will occur. And have a strategy to achieve those points.

Of course, based on analysis of individuals like Slavoj Zizek, "an alternative to capitalism cannot even be envisioned. But that comes from asking "what's next?" rather than "what must we become eventually?"

This book will also include an optimal suggestion to the question "what next?" Perhaps some will take it seriously. Without hope, what is there?


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