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Monday, Monday

First of all, HAPPY HOLI (for those celebrating)

I have played all the cards that I have.

I have played all the cards that I can.

Patience and diplomacy.

Patience and diplomacy.

Welcome to Week 1.

Or is next Monday (April 1 just after Easter) Week 1?

It's all just nonsensical coincidences, right?

I've already listening to Blue Sky Mining. And 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. And Earth and Sun and Moon. Haven't listened to Diesel and Dust for awhile, but played "Gunbarrel Highway" a couple days ago. I guess it's time to go back to the big guns.

Anyway, it's Holi, right? Festival of COLOURS

Played my last card in the "professional psychiatry" mind-brain-reality game.

Good, good. Narrowing forest paths so that there's only room for one (Tal quote, thanks Agad). Making progress.

Dunno if I've ever listened to Bird Noises. Probably, but never really registered. "No Time for Games" is a great start. Still very relevant.

You're first, KPMG.

Or are you? Do our local governments have any spine? Does our media have any spine? Let's see what happens!

Email to journalism kingpin. Finally. Repairing bridges one by one.

I come alive / I read the signs...

Enough Midnight Oil and negativity.

Great album. Just what I needed.

Nice quote from the Master. Or is he the Fool?


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