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Chat AI

I've heard a lot about ChatGPT and how it's going to change everything.

Maybe. We know that Google et al. are working on their versions also.

But what sort of change is it going to make? Are we going to see a challenge to the Turing test? Remember that the last 15 years were kicked off with Facebook and then LinkedIn and Instagram took off. And here we are now, looking at a reality that was unfathomable in 2008.

One thing is for certain, using computers to analyze language and syntax seems to have caught up to humanity. If you mimic it, it stands to reason that you've already analyzed it.

Are we going to somehow come up with a universalizably correct English through computer analysis and reproduction? Are we going to have Chat AI upgrade Wikipedia to a "correct" version? Does that even make sense given that Wikipedia is likely to be one of the sources of sample data. The more important question in the long run is "will anyone care?"

One thing to consider is its effect on advertising. First the art in advertising (graphic arts) then the medium of advertising (email, html), and now the language of advertising.

Given also the amount of people creating blogs and websites, won't it just amount to more data? Consider Otto Neurath's thought experiment about humanity being on the open sea on a boat that they can only replace one board of at a time. Are we now starting to shoehorn the location / destination of our collective ship by using AI to tell us what we already know about ourselves but don't have the mental capacity or storage to even think to go through entirely?


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